While reading the articles on Open Educational Resources, also known as OER, I learned a lot. I found out that these resources are used in many ways. It is very easy to access the open educational resources from anywhere. There are 7 Things one should know about OER'S, such as what is it, who's using it , and etc. Open educational resources are resources that our available at little to no coast. These resources are used for teaching, learning, or even just research. The resources available vary such as textbooks, quizzes, games, etc. All the resources are used to help improve ones education.
While exploring through the Open Educational Resources website I came across many informative topics/lessons. As a future educator I can use the tips given from this website to become a successful teacher. As I am continuing in my studies right now I find myself struggling in a few areas and I found this website helpful with videos to watch. For example, my weak spot is mathematics. Going through the OER'S I found a resource that was very helpful, OER'S MATH. This link was helpful to me as well as to anyone else. It helped me to understand geometry better and how to correctly use a protractor. This is not the only OER on math, there are multiple others to explore.
Also, the website was very easy to access. There were many areas in which one can access to learn more about. For instance, I was interested on learning more about how to become a successful teacher. The website offered a lot of helpful information such as how teachers make a difference. Teachers have a major impact on a students future. Check out this video, to explore more on how teachers make a difference, Teachers can make a difference .
The last interesting aspect that I found while exploring through the OER' S website was that it has so much to offer. I wanted to find more information on pigs, because I have an obsession for them and this website offered so much helpful information on pigs. It helped educate me more on about pigs and having pigs as pets.
I know that as a future learner and future teacher I can refer back to the Open Educational Resources to insure that I am benefiting my students, as well as myself to the fullest. For me as a future teacher, I can refer back to resources such as, creative commons , open educational resources , and education . All of these resources help prepare teachers and educate them. This is a great website for anyone who is interested in strengthening their education.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Teacher Channel
I found a great interest in exploring through the Teaching Channel website. It shared many great ideas to use in the classroom to help the students succeed. It was full of videos to explore through. I found an interesting video that explained sharing strategies. It shared examples of different ways to share in the classroom. It also gave lesson ideas based on sharing. I know when I become a teacher I will resort back to this website to get good ideas to use in my classroom.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Flipped Learning
Today, we were asked in SEDU 183 to discuss what flipped learning is and it's importance.nnAfter much research I discovered that flipped learning takes place outside the classroom. Learning through materials such as online videos outside the classroom, instead of learning from a teacher inside a classroom.
Flipped learning has many benefits. As referred to Flipped Classroom, flipped learning allows students to do research on a lesson before entering the classroom. Therefore, when the students enter the classroom they can interact with the teacher and do activities based on what they learned. Students have the ability to access the lesson from the Internet at anytime they want. The students are able to learn at their own speed and rewind and relearn the lesson. It is said that 85% of teachers whom have switched to flipped learning have seen improved grades in the classroom.
Flipped learning also has its drawbacks. Teachers will not be teaching directly in front of the student day after day which may cause the student to fall behind if they do not review the videos online. Not everyone learns best by online resources. The teachers will however still be there to help the student out with his/her homework. Because the information is all online for the students, students may feel as if they do not have to attend class. This may cause a problem with attendance in the classroom.
When I become a teacher I plan on using flipped learning in my classroom. Flipped learning seems like a very useful tool to use in all types of classes. I want my students to succeed and by reviewing what will be expected of them in class the day before, as a useful way to insure they will succeed. I am looking forward to using flipped learning in my classroom for many reasons. I want my students to be able to interact with their peers in an educational way and flipped learning allows more time for interaction because there will be less lecturing in the classroom. I believe flipped learning is a good way for students to succeed and I look forward to watching my students grow and develop through flipped learning.
Flipped Learning : This is a video that explains the importance of flipped learning and how it adds to student success. Goes in depth with how teachers use flipped learning.
Resources that helped me with my research on Flipped Learning: Check them out!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Experiencing Group
For SEDU 183, we were asked to write a research paper on an important topic in education in the 21st century. My group chose the importance of recess in the 21st century. While doing my part in the research paper I found many important benefits of recess that dealt with physical benefits. Recess gives students the opportunity to move around and release energy that has been built up over time. It decreases the chance of students having health problems and causing obesity. While doing my research on the physical benefits of recess I came across an interesting video. The video was based on how students viewed recess and why they want it. The video was in fact funny, but it really got the point across.
Not only did I learn a lot about he importance of recess, but also how to use Prezi. Prezi was the device we used to share our information to the classroom. It was interesting to use. At first, I struggled like any other ordinary person, but I enjoyed using this tool. Since our group was busy much of the time to get together to work on the research paper, we used Google Docs. This gave us the opportunity to work as a group to get our project done, it was a helpful device to use. As a future teacher I plan on using this technology in my classroom to keep the students interested in the lesson.
Not only did I learn a lot about he importance of recess, but also how to use Prezi. Prezi was the device we used to share our information to the classroom. It was interesting to use. At first, I struggled like any other ordinary person, but I enjoyed using this tool. Since our group was busy much of the time to get together to work on the research paper, we used Google Docs. This gave us the opportunity to work as a group to get our project done, it was a helpful device to use. As a future teacher I plan on using this technology in my classroom to keep the students interested in the lesson.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
For my SEDU183 class I was instructed to create an educational PowerPoint for any grade level I wanted to teach. I picked a Kindergarten classroom. The point of the PowerPoint was to create a lesson for the students to help them learn. The lesson that I did was a mathematical lesson on learning shapes. Within my PowerPoint the students had the opportunity to learn different types of shapes and were able to explore what they can make out of shapes. For this PowerPoint project, I referred to two websites. These websites were Shapes Recognition Practice and Shapes Crafts. Both of these websites gave helpful tips to help Kindergartners learn their shapes well having fun.
While I was making my PowerPoint I learned alot. I learned how much time it takes to make a resourceful PowerPoint and how creative and fun one can make it. When I got the chance to review my classmates Power Points I was impressed. Their presentation of their Power Points was very interesting.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Two More for The Roll
There were two blogs that caught my attention while searching through numerous blogs. The first blog that caught my attention was Christina's Classroom. This blog gave many good points based on how to get your students engaged in the classroom. The blog gives good advice on how to keep your students wanting to learn. By going on field trips to learn different cultures and actually experiencing these types of cultures first hand seemed to help the students grasp a concept of how different types of people lived. The most important aspect that I learned from this blog was when I become a teacher to keep my students interested in what I am teaching.
The second blog that caught my attention was First Week of School. This blog explained a situation in which a teacher had a student whom was blind. I enjoyed reading this blog because it discusses the issues in which the teacher faced and how she had to adapt to having a student who could not see. Instead of giving a simple thumbs up to a student or a smile to show a job well done, the teacher had to come in contact with the student.
I know that when I become a teacher I will as well have situations like this one that I will, at first, struggle with. However, I will not give up on the student.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
My Beliefs on Technology and Learning

My beliefs on technology and learning vary. I do believe students learn through the use of technology. However, technology should never be the center of a students learning. It is good for students to experience how to use such technology such as computers because in time technology will be a big part of their everyday life. The students in which I plain to teach range from the grades of k-4 and I do not think technology should be the center of their learning at such a young age. The students need to learn through hands on learning and expressing themselves not using technology every day. I am not saying one can’t learn through technology, but it should not be the focus of everyday learning for the students.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Important to Me

When I become a teacher I want my students to be able to express themselves. I want my students to be able to ask for help without feeling scared . I know while I was growing up being able to come to my teacher for help was the best way for me to learn. Also, in my classroom I want hands on activities. I believe when students are able to interact with what is being taught to them, they learn best because they have that hands on action. I am very excited to become a teacher and teach others and watch them grow in their education process.
This is a video of a 2nd grade classroom being taught during reading day.
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