Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Experiencing Group

     For SEDU 183, we were asked to write a research paper on an important topic in education in the 21st century. My group chose the importance of recess in the 21st century. While doing my part in the research paper I found many important benefits of recess that dealt with physical benefits.  Recess gives students the opportunity to move around and release energy that has been built up over time. It decreases the chance of students having health problems and causing obesity.  While doing my research on the physical benefits of recess I came across an interesting video. The video was based on how students viewed recess and why they want it. The video was in fact funny, but it really got the point across.

     Not only did I learn a lot about he importance of recess, but also how to use Prezi. Prezi was the device we used to share our information to the classroom. It was interesting to use. At first, I struggled like any other ordinary person, but I enjoyed using this tool. Since our group was busy much of the time to get together to work on the research paper, we used Google Docs. This gave us the opportunity to work as a group to get our project done, it was a helpful device to use.  As a future teacher I plan on using this technology in my classroom to keep the students interested in the lesson.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your blog which is kind of an overview of your presentation which I also enjoyed. Your video was very catchy, and it was funny which was nice. It was a good a way to wake everyone up after some dull videos that you know were only posted to kill some time! (Which we are probably all guilty of doing.)
